어플라이드 머티리얼즈 코리아
- 기업형태
- 중견기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2022.12.15마감일채용 시 마감
- 채용형태
- 신입, 경력직
- 모집직무
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- 근무지역
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Internet Explorer(IE) 11 및 이전 버전에 대한 지원이 종료되었습니다.
원활한 이용을 위해 Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Whale 등의 브라우저로 접속해주세요.
eBeam Physicist for R&D Extension
- Local expert of Electron Beam(eBeam) imaging technology and support for imaging challenges at customer sites
- Research of eBeam interaction with complex matter structures as an expert of electron optics (extensive simulation, deep analytical modeling, and complex experimental validation).
- Involved in customer project and focused on the most complicated imaging challenges at hand and long term investigations
- Technological support for complex customer demonstrations and evaluation activities. Be a part of physics team that leads the technological roadmap definition and developing Applied’s eBeam metrology and inspection tools.
- Close collaboration and team-work with the other technological disciplines, such as System, algorithm, SW, and Account Application & HW teams
- PhD. or Post Doc. in Physics
- High analytical skills. Ability to research, analyze and understand complex physics problem (physical and mathematical aspects). Ability to do deep analytical work independently.
- Interpersonal capabilities – ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and lead without authority as showing excellent communication and collaboration skills
- Fluent communication in English on both verbal and text
- Travel – capable for travel up to 30% in 1st year, and later willingness to 1~2 months travel per year
- Advantages
1) Experimental Physicist
2) Prior work experience in advanced eBeam microscopy (Metrology, Inspection, and Defect Review, etc.)
3) Wide knowledge of semiconductors physics
서류전형 > 직무 적합성 검사 > 면접전형 > 영어테스트 > 채용검진 > 오퍼레터 서명 > 최종합격
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