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한국공인회계사 신입/경력직 모집



한국공인회계사 신입/경력직 모집




22년 9월 19일 ~ 10월 3일



Conduct an analysis and conclude on USGAAP accounting treatments/ recommendations on issues /transactions/contracts

 Document accounting memos on transactions & contracts according to GM Accounting Policy Manual (APM)

Work to discuss new initiatives, process changes, contracts, etc. to identify accounting risks and advise finance functions on most effective structure from accounting viewpoint.

Discuss accounting issues/APM implementation with Global Technical Accounting to ensure consistency of application and obtain requisite approvals

Review APM/GAAP updates, provide implementation plan and work to operationalize.

Support for external statutory reporting including analysis of local GAAP differences from USGAAP including LLA impairment testing

Proactively participate in EY quarterly review to resolve any issues in advance.

Review SEC reporting, analytics and other submissions to ensure completeness and accuracy

Provide technical accounting training to teams in controllership and other functions of finance as necessary



학력: 4년제 정규대 졸 이상

학점: 전 학년 평점 B학점(3.0/4.5) 이상

어학: 영어로 비즈니스 의사소통이 가능한 자

병역: 군필 또는 면제자

기타 : 해외 여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자

취업보호 대상자는 관련 법에 의거하여 우대



한국공인회계사 신입/경력직 모집

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