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People and Culture, Talent Acquisition Trainee (Internship)
Hiring Department 모집부서: People and Culture, Talent Acquisition
Department Information 부서소개: 인사부 채용 팀
Employment Status 근무형태: Trainee (Internship)
Requirement 지원자격: 국내외 대학교 학부 재학생 혹은 졸업 예정자만 지원 가능 (졸업생 지원불가)
Employment Period 근무기간: 근무시작일로부터 6 개월 (반드시 6개월 근무 가능자만 지원 가능)
Employment Location 근무지: 서울 서초구 반포동 사노피 코리아 본사
1) Talent Acquisition work (Recruitment) Support
- Dispatch, trainee recruitment support
2) Recruitment logistics handling
- Interview arrangement
- Recruitment data and dashboard management
3) Talent Acquisition related project support
-Employer branding
-Talent acquisition process enhancement
-Sanofi corporate internship
4) ad-hoc support upon request by TA and People Partners
5) Support TA budget management including purchase request / purchase order management
[지원 자격]
-Fluent in English
-Strong interest in recruitment and HR work
-Fast learner and good team player
-MS office proficiency
Application Mail 지원 및 문의: Hajin.kwon@sanofi.com
Job Application 제출서류: 자유양식의 국영문 이력서 및 자기소개
Submission Due Date 접수마감일: January 19, 2023
Selection Process 전형절차: 서류전형 – 면접전형 – 최종합격 (서류합격자에 한하여 개별 연락)
장애인 및 국가 보훈 취업 지원 대상자는 관계 법령에 의거하여 우대
People with disabilities as well as descendants will be given preference according to the related law.
Home Sanofi In Korea : Sanofi-Aventis Korea
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