- 기업형태
- 외국계기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2023.02.01마감일2023.04.19
- 채용형태
- 신입
- 모집직무
- 연구개발/설계
- 근무지역
- 서울 강남구
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차량용 레이더 하드웨어 엔지니어 석사 신입 채용
- Evaluation of various analogue and digital circuit schematics and layouts of the automotive radar with Infineon solutions (MMIC, MCU, PMIC)
- Design and review of PCB including baseband H/W schematics and layouts
- Power supply network design and optimization of analogue filters to suppress noise components
- Development of the ISO26262 considered safety applications using safety features in the products
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