- 기업형태
- 비영리단체/협회/재단
- 접수기간
- 시작일2023.08.28마감일2023.09.10
- 채용형태
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- 모집직무
- 경영/사무
- 근무지역
- 서울 중구
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[유엔글로벌콤팩트 한국협회] 연구센터 인턴
- Conduct desk-research on issues related to corporate sustainability
- Translate publications, papers and other documents from English to Korean, or vice-versa
- Assist maintaining the UN Global Compact Network Korea’s website and social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
- Support the organization and hosting of meetings and events
- Assist in the coordination of the Communication on Progress
- Perform administrative tasks as assigned
- Draft and edit publications, papers and other documents
08월 28일 ~ 09월 10일
인기 활동 리스트 보러가기