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채용 시 마감 (D405)

[미국/뉴저지] Grand BK 각 부문채용



[미국/뉴저지] Grand BK 각 부문채용


Address: 333 Starke Rd, Carlstadt, NJ


[미국/뉴저지] Grand BK 각 부문채용

“Grand BK는 H Mart의 구매본부 (Procurement Headquarter)로서 미국 전역에 Grocery 및 신선 식품 (Meat, Seafood, Grain&Nut)을 도매 / 유통하는 미동부 최대 한인 물류 / 유통 회사로 지속적으로 성장하고 있는 젊은 기업입니다.”

“ Established in 2006 in Maspeth, NY, Grand BK serves as a major food distributor for HMART Group, which is one of the largest Asian-style chain supermarkets in the U.S. The main products we distribute include frozen seafood, meat, grain, nut and grocery products. Located in Carlstadt, NJ, Grand BK imports product from China, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Ecuador and Argentina. While most of our products are directly supplied to HMART supermarkets expanding across the country, we also provide a few kinds of raw materials to local restaurants.”
[미국/뉴저지] Grand BK 각 부문채용 


◾ 채용부문 :  IT- Field Service (Help Desk) Admin , Captain Blue(뉴욕근무), MD&Sourcing(Marketing), Franchise Development, Logistics Operations (Warehouse)

◾ 근무기간 : 12개월 

◾ 근무시간: 08:30AM ~ 17:30PM

◾  급여: $15 / an hour

◾  연 환산급여: 약 $31,200 / a year (주 40시간 52주 근무 기준 이며, 주말 및 공휴일 over time 근무에 따라 변동 가능)

◾  급여 외 보상 : 아침·점심 제공, 병가등의 법정 후생 제공, 교통비 지원, Worker's Compensation Insurance지원,

                              다양한 Activity 지원 (영어교육, 봉사활동, 스포츠 등)


Job Description


Job Description

Target Start Date

Captain Blue

Manage Sales order, Purchase orders, and other Invoices; Inventory Management – Price check, inventory list management, 냉장고, Forklift등의 자산 관리; CBF 소식지, 가격표, 세일목록, 광고 공지; Sales Analysis and manage promotions


Field Service (Help Desk) Admin

Assist with IT Help Desk Team by deploying new equipment in terms of software and hardware and manaage equipment inventory. Aslo assist internal customers by troubleshooting and resolving user’s hardware, operating system, and software related problems


MD & Sourcing

Create Payment Resolutions, Monthly Statement of Payment, Statement of Accounts. Organize data for each product and send to other departments (자세한 직무는 인터뷰시 문의)

10월 말

Franchise Development

Perform Market Analysis; manage lists of ordered items by analyzing sales trends. Assist in planning purchasing plan through market trend analysis. Support to source and buy domestic and international products. Cooperate with team on inventory and involve in a sales strategy. Assist with franchise store management.

11월 초

Logistics Operations


(자세한 직무는 인터뷰시 문의바랍니다)

12월 초


채용 시 마감

[미국/뉴저지] Grand BK 각 부문채용

㈜커리어랩스는 지원자에게 알선비나 기업 매칭에 따른 비용을 받지 않습니다.

⋇ 파견직이 아닌 「합격기업 소속」으로 근무하게 됩니다. 

⋇ 비자 발급비용은 본인 부담입니다.


☎  지원문의: Tel. 031-8027-9060 / Email :

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