- 기업형태
- 외국계기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2024.02.13마감일채용 시 마감
- 채용형태
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Internet Explorer 서비스 종료 안내
Internet Explorer(IE) 11 및 이전 버전에 대한 지원이 종료되었습니다.
원활한 이용을 위해 Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Whale 등의 브라우저로 접속해주세요.
[토탈에너지스오프쇼어윈드코리아] Administrative Intern
As an Administrative Intern within Project Control Team, you will closely work Procurement Coordinator to ensure proper management of legal obligations for our 5 SPC.
The job will cover collection of all documents required for change in BOD members, change in Article of Incorporation (AOI), preparation of Minute of Meeting (MOM) for Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
The job could cover additional support to Office Manager in relation with move-in to new office, team event.
We are expecting a motivated, rigorous and well-organized person who will be on board this dynamic journey of development project.
02월 13일 ~ 채용시 마감
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