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채용 시 마감 (D36)

[미국인턴/조지아] Ajin/Wooshin USA 각 부문 채용


Ajin USA

마감일채용 시 마감
체험형 인턴, 기타, 채용연계형 인턴



[미국인턴/조지아] Ajin/Wooshin USA 각 부문 채용


Address : 234 Bruce Yawn Blvd, Register, GA 30452 



직원수 : 약 800명 이상

[미국인턴/조지아] Ajin/Wooshin USA 각 부문 채용

“ 아진USA는 한국 경산에 본사를 두고있는 현대기아차 1차 부품 공급업체입니다. 자동차 차체를 시작으로 지능형 자동차 전당제품 생산에 이르기까지 다양한 제품군으로 기술 경쟁력 확보에 매진하고 있습니다. 도한 우리 기술의 세계화를 목표로 해외 계열사의 현지화를 통한 첨단 기술개발과 글로벌 경영체체를 구축하였습니다. 이에 멈추지 않고 선진 자동차 부품 업체와 제휴를 통한 시굴 경영을 도입하여 품질 경영으로 고객이 감동하는 제품을 공급하는 회사로 다양한 품질 인증을 획득하였습니다. 오늘날 Global 기업으로써 미국, 중국, 한국에 첨단 기술의 생산라인을 구축하여 이를 디지털 구조의 업무 환경으로 일원화 하여 소량 다품종의 부품들을 신속하고 경쟁력있는 가격으로 제공하는 라인을 갖추고 있습니다.” 

“ 당사는 설립 이후 자동차 차체부품 산업에서 기술력 및 품질 등을 인정받아 우리나라 최고의 자동차 완성 업체인 현대, 기아차와 오랜 거래 관계를 유지해 오고 있습니다. 한편 차체 부품뿐만 아니라 자동차 전장 부품에 개발에도 박차를 가해 현재 이슈화되고 있는 차량용 블랙박스, 어라운드 뷰(AVM) 등 자동차 IT 부품 기술력을 자체적으로 보유하고 있습니다. 품질 경쟁력에 있어서도 현대, 기아차 자체 평가대상에서 5스타로서 이전 등급인 4+스타 대비 향상된 수준을 나타냈으며, 세부적으로 품질경영 체제, 입고 불량률, 품질경영실적에서 모두 평가업체 전체 평균 대비 높은 수준을 달성하였습니다.”

[미국인턴/조지아] Ajin/Wooshin USA 각 부문 채용 


◾ 채용부문 : Production Manager, Quality Control Manager

◾ 근무기간 : 12개월 이상

◾ 근무시간 : 주 40시간

◾  연봉: $75,000~More/ 면접 시 협의, [주 40시간 근무시간 초과시 오버타임 수당 0.5배(본인 연봉의 시급 환산 기준)] 

◾  비자지원 :  J-1 비자발급비용 지원(입국 후 환불), J-1 비자만료 전 E-2 비자 지원(전액 회사 부담), 영주권 지원(입사 1년 후 본인 희망시 회사가 PERM 부터 I-140까지 비용 부담. I-485 부터는 본인 부담 단, 영주권 발급 후 1년이내 퇴사시 I-140 Filing Fee 전액 반환 조건.)

◾  기타복지: 식대($1,000/년), 휴대통신비 ($40/월) 지원, 의료보험지원( 본인-20%, 회사-80% 부담), 입사 1년 후 퇴직연금(401-K) 3.5% 매칭지원, 이주비 세전 4천불 지원(수령 후 2년 이내 퇴사시 전액 환수 조건), 첫 한달간 기숙사, 차량 지원(도착일로부터 한달, 가족 동반 X, 기숙사는 출근일로부터 최대 1주일 전 입주가능), 출근일 부터 한달 동안 점심 도시락 무료 제공(평일 기준, 주말 특근 시 외부식당 점심 무료 지원), 그 외에도 유니폼 제공/ 경조사 서비스 / 명절 선물/ 경영성과에 따른 연말 상여금/ 포상여행/ 박람회 벤치마킹 타주 견학 등 복지 제공


Job Description

Production Manager


Manage and ensures inventory of semi-finished parts and complete parts.

Analyze assembly and press team downtimes and proceed improvement plans.

Modify and adjust process and operation flow on the production work area to increase productivity and quality levels.

Manage department attendance and any attendance related issues. 

Establish annual production plans.

Manage any audit preparation process. 


Execute and evaluate floor working environment improvement plans.

Set up and evaluate 3C 5S plans on production area.

Analyze downtimes and establish a countermeasure.

Modify or adjust production process and procedure for operation efficiency.

Check on assembly/press current work status and improvement plan progress status.

Check on current status of production team attendance and evaluate assembly/press lines to confirm required number of employees (T/O). Request H.R for more hires as necessary. 

Manage and control overtime applicants from assembly/press lines.

Set up and execute corrective action plans for both productivity and quality issues.

Set up or modify productivity improvement plans and participate in such.

Manage and set up new model try out plans, employee T/O, and follow up with results. Modify and adjust plans as necessary.

Review, analyze, and distribute the result of previous year annual production plan and achievement report. Establish next year annual production plan after receiving customer's annual plan from Sales department.



Managers are responsible and authorized to supervise all production department employees in case of emergency or contingency.


Bachelors degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, or Automotive Engineering.

Five (5) to six (6) years of production management experience in automobile, manufacturing industry, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.  

Robot/press operation and process knowledge preferred.

Great communication skills with leadership during stressful, work-pressure period.

Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office).

Personal Characteristics: 

Teamwork oriented.

Proactive planning.

Quality mindset.


Organizational Relationships:

Accountable to the Plant Manager for all phases of activities.

Advises, consults, and coordinates with:

Specialists, Assistant manager.

Production Floor Supervisors.

Team leaders and members.

Quality Control Manager


Maintains quality management system in compliance with ISO/TS 16949 requirements and customer specification

Monitors standards of the organization or quality process

Manages current process improvement and new process development

Develops plans for annual internal and external QMS audit plans

Trains internal auditors, department specialists/team members


Conducts and completes internal audits based on annual internal audit schedule

Manages 2nd and 3rd party quality system audits

Supervises the department team members

Manages financial information

Leads quality innovation activities (setting up goal/periodic monitoring, etc.)

Develops quality strategy planning

Controls failure cost (internal failure cost/field claims/customer downtime cost, etc.)

Forecasts field quality issue trends

Develops annual business plan, management review, financial reports

Review and approve department documents

Monitors and resolves internal and external customer concerns

Develops corrective action plan for customer claims,    

Performs other duties as assigned



Bachelor’s degree or above in engineering field and 5 years related field experience required

Five years of process improvement experience required

ISO/TS 16949 Internal Auditor certification required

SPC, MSA, FMEA, Control Plan, fixture planning experiences required

Proficiency in Window Excel, Power Point, Word, CAD required

An individual must demonstrate strong supervisory, interpersonal, communication skills

Capability to perform multi-tasks

Personal Characteristics: 

High energy level, comfortable performing multifaceted projects in conjunction with day-to-day activities.

Superior interpersonal abilities. Ability to get along with diverse personalities,   tactful, mature, flexible.

Good reasoning abilities. Sound judgment.

Good communication skills.

Resourceful and well organized.

Participative management style—advocate of team concept.

Ability to establish credibility and be decisive—but is able to recognize and support the organization's preferences and priorities.

Results and people oriented, but have sound judgment—ability to balance other business considerations. Service oriented, but assertive/persuasive.

Organizational Relationships:

Accountable to the Top Management of the organization for all phases of activities.

Advises, consults, and coordinates with:

Senior Management:

Middle Management and Supervisors, Team Leaders and Team Members as needed

Sales Supervisor


1.   Manage and control shipping status

2.   Personnel Management

3.   Control Inventory

4.   Training of Team Leaders and Members

5.   Report any emergency situation to Manager



Generate Daily Issue Report, Inventory, Attendance.

Report inventory, team member and driver’s attendance.

Review shipping check list and daily delivery number.

Review and approve Completed Return Part  Sheet daily.

Train new/experience team members of their needs and responsible of training team members’ skill levels.

Personnel Management of all Team Members for Behavior Concerns, Performance, etc. .

Keep in touch with Liaison and report to Manager.

Review all loading situation (Mis-label, over-load)

  • Handle and reports return parts and share the information with QC supervisor.
  • Investigate root causes of in-process and customer concerns

Manage 3C5S and conduct 3C5S audits

  • Perform other duties as assigned


Able to develop procedures and instruction



1.  Four Year Degree Preferred  

2.  Good documentation and organization skills

3.  Fluent with Korean and English

4. 5 years related experience

Production Assembly Team


Team leader and member training management.

Assembly Team Quality and productivity management.

Execute improvement plans on DOOR FRT, DOOR RR lines.

Modifying, fabricating necessary frames and racks.



Check production order and receive inventory of necessary sub, CKD, press parts report for DOOR FRT and DOOR RR lines. Notify specialist or press supervisor in case of part shortage.

Enforce company policy of having assigned members "working" in the assigned/designated work area.

Member Training : Allocate and assign new team members to new work duties on DOOR FRT, DOOR RR lines.

Check 1st, middle, last inspections on DOOR lines. If NG found, follow the NCP process and alert quality and production management.

Modify and fabricate Sub-KD station racks to improve team members loading performance on DOOR lines.

Check inventory of complete Standard parts and Curtain Spec parts. Notify Sales department and production specialist in case of severe downtime or low inventory level of either spec parts.

Strictly enforce safe operations and 3C 5S applied work environment to all production team leaders and members.

Train team leaders and members to check welding tip conditions, ATD blade conditions, and inspect them regularly on DOOR FRT and DOOR RR lines. In case of ATD defect issues, alert assembly maintenance and correct them.

Observe and investigate any quality issue process and execute proper countermeasure plans. Report to production specialist or manager the result of countermeasure plans.

Manage all necessary consumables including welding tips, contact tips, manual welding torch, nozzles, and all other related assembly items. Request consumables as necessary.

All other support activities outlined by production manager or plant manager.



Bachelors degree or 5 years of manufacturing experience

Experience in supervising large group members.

Good welding, and steel fabricating skills.

Leadership during stressful, work-pressure period.


Organizational Relationships:

Accountable to the specialists and managers for status of all activities.

Advises, consults, and coordinates with:

Production Team Leader

New or current Production Team Member


◾ 문의 신청서 제출(구글폼)

◾ 비자발급 가능 여부 검토 후 개별 전형/기업 안내 실시

◾ 전달받은 이력서 작성 후 회신(첨삭진행)

◾ 기업 서류/ 화상 면접전형 진행

◾ 합격자, 미국 스폰서기관 인터뷰 (회사-지원자 간의 보증을 해주는 미국 국무성 지정 기관, 별도 안내예정)

◾ 주한미국대사관 인터뷰 (별도 안내예정)

◾ 출국/출근

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