JC&Company Group
- 기업형태
- 중견기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2024.09.06마감일채용 시 마감
- 채용형태
- 체험형 인턴, 기타
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JC&Company Group
Address : 10 Corporate Park #210, Irvine, CA 92606 미국
Website: https://www.jclawcpa.com/
“For over 11 years, JC&Company Group has solidified its standing as a trusted authority in legal, tax, and financial planning, serving diverse communities across the U.S. Our esteemed team, consisting of dedicated lawyers, CPAs, and financial and real estate advisors, possesses an in-depth understanding of intricate business complexities. We take pride in delivering comprehensive, one-stop legal, tax, and financial planning services to our domestic clients, while concurrently specializing in providing customized international tax and financial planning services to meet the unique needs of our global clientele.”
◾ 채용부문 : Accounting
◾ 근무기간 : 12개월
◾ 근무시간: 09:00AM ~ 18:00PM (1hr lunch)
◾ 급여: 면접 후 결정
◾ 급여 외 보상 : 1년 유급 휴가&병가 12일 제공, 점심제공, 근무평가에 따라 취업비자 or 영주권 스폰, 출퇴근 통근차량 제공
Job Description
◾ Business Accounting / Tax Service
- Monthly accounting services, payroll execution, bookkeeping, and tax audit response
- Tax consulting related to U.S. business activities and various tax filings
◾ Individual Accounting / Tax Service
- individual tax filing, individual tax audit response, Streamline Procedures/Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedure (DIIRS) Legal Service
◾ Legal Service
- Establishment and management/maintenance of trusts, corporations, and charitable organizations
- Providing all legal services related to tax saving
- Research related to tax and preparation of legal advisory documents
◾ Insurance (Financial Planning)
- Offering services related to insurance/pension products necessary for individuals' asset and retirement management, such as Aunnuity, 401K, IRA, etc.
- Providing insurance services related to corporate business, such as Property&Casualty Insurance
◾ 문의 신청서 제출(구글폼)
◾ 비자발급 가능 여부 검토 후 개별 전형/기업 안내 실시
◾ 전달받은 이력서 작성 후 회신(첨삭진행)
◾ 기업 서류/ 화상 면접전형 진행
◾ 합격자, 미국 스폰서기관 인터뷰 (회사-지원자 간의 보증을 해주는 미국 국무성 지정 기관, 별도 안내예정)
◾ 주한미국대사관 인터뷰 (별도 안내예정)
◾ 출국/출근
채용 시 마감
㈜커리어랩스는 지원자에게 알선비나 기업 매칭에 따른 비용을 받지 않습니다.
⋇ 파견직이 아닌 「합격기업 소속」으로 근무하게 됩니다.
⋇ 비자 발급비용은 본인 부담입니다.
지원문의: Tel. 031-8027-9060 / Email : hr@careerlabs.co.kr
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