주식회사 숲
- 기업형태
- 중견기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2025.01.09마감일채용 시 마감
- 채용형태
- 경력직
- 모집직무
- 마케팅/광고/홍보
- 근무지역
- 경기 성남시 분당구
Internet Explorer 서비스 종료 안내
Internet Explorer(IE) 11 및 이전 버전에 대한 지원이 종료되었습니다.
원활한 이용을 위해 Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Whale 등의 브라우저로 접속해주세요.
[주식회사 숲] Global Marketing Associate Manager (Contractor) 채용
[Key Responsibilities]
- Developing a brand, marketing strategy, and social media strategy for a SOOP Global live streaming platform (www.sooplive.com)
- Leading marketing and social media campaigns with local marketing teams
- Manage overall marketing budget
- PR planning based on marketing (with HQ PR team as well as local PR agencies)
- Analyze and report each marketing result by data
- Working closely with Game business, Content Business, Product, and BD teams
[Preferred qualifications]
- 5+ years of experience in marketing
- Excellent communication in both English and Korean (Written and spoken)
- Experience in marketing of Live streaming platform / Game & esports / Content
- Understanding and experience of social media and community
- Strategic and analytical thinking
- Sixth sense in market trend
- Experience in GA (Google Analytics)
- Portfolio
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