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- 8명
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지역 제한없음
MUN Strategic Framework 2022 Conference
Organizing Committee Recruitment
1. Foundation Overview
Introduction to PSCORE
People for Successful COrean REunification is a non-profit organization in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2012. We advocate internationally and domestically with a vision to raise awareness of North Korean human rights while providing education and tutoring programs for North Korean defector students. We further address potential barriers to reunification and assist North Korean refugees to adapt to their daily life in South Korea. We are one of the most international organizations in South Korea, and our staff is composed of both South and North Korean nationals, and interns and volunteers from countries around the world.
Since its establishment in 2006, PSCORE has long been involved in Human Rights issues in North Korea from holding street campaigns for raising awareness to writing reports and participating in UN conferences. We join the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) every year to hold side events and publish oral/written statements. As the United Nations advocates international cooperation for human rights improvement in North Korea, PSCORE also provides other North Korean human rights organizations the opportunity to present at the side events with UNHRC. Furthermore, PSCORE has been holding events with other international human rights NGOs as well, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and International Society for Human Rights.
(PSCORE stands for ‘People for Successful COrean REunification’; we adopted the original spelling ‘Corea’ from the prior era to Japanese colonization and the division of Korea to further emphasize its goal of a reunited peninsula. )
More Information about PSCORE
- 452 Yangcheon-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Tel : +82-2-6497-5035 (5770)
- Email:
- Website:
2. About Model UNSF
What is Model UNSF?
Model United Nations Strategic Framework (Model UNSF) is a multinational youth-led conference that PSCORE is organizing virtually in January 2022 to raise awareness of the issues surrounding North Korea in reference to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As to put the main objectives of the conference in practice - which are to raise awareness of the North Korean issues and the making of a Strategic Framework between the United Nations and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) - the participants will act upon the international cooperation and understanding of the UN policies in a various form, such as the organizing members, moderators, and delegates. Ultimately, the Model UNSF conference aims to create a new Strategic Framework to be achieved between the UN and the DPRK by the end of year 2022.
Model UNSF must be separated from the commonly known Model United Nations conference, although it takes a similar structure. Participants who are attending as delegates will each represent 6 UN bodies (UNICEF, WFP, FAO, WHO, UNDP, UNFPA), the DPRK, and the Republic of Korea instead of the entire UN member states. Each delegate will aim to produce the next Strategic Framework based on the following focus groups:
1) Food and Nutrition Security (SDG 2,9),
2) Social Development Services (SDG 3,4,6),
3) Resilience and Sustainability (SDG 7,11,12,13,15),
4) Data and Humans Rights (SDG 16,17)
For this occasion, PSCORE intends to invite passionate individuals from both Korean and international backgrounds to construct the first-ever Organizing Committee of the Model UNSF.
The Organizing Committee (OC) will be given the opportunity to plan and construct the Model UNSF under the assistance of the staff of PSCORE.. The team will be recruiting participants - the Promotion Team (that will mainly act as the press during the conference), Resident Coordinators (who will be acting as the chair of each Strategic Focus group), and delegates - and creating guidelines for them to follow. The works of the OC will become the fundamental base of all future Model UNSF and for such, the OC will hold the same recognition as the staff of PSCORE as the organizers of the conference platform. Eventually, the OC members will be granted a certificate of participation, a recommendation letter and an internship position at PSCORE.
➢ Qualifications
- Anyone over 18 years of age who are currently enrolled in universities, international organizations, institutions, or companies.
- As the PSCORE’s working language is English, full competency of using English (both written and spoken) is required.
- Is able to attend weekly meetings on Zoom
- Is able to attain a good internet connection.
➢ Preferred qualifications
- Fluency in Korean is prefered but not mandatory
- Experienced in the Model United Nations. (If experienced in both chair and delegate positions in the MUN, or have organized an MUN previously, please describe it on your application form.)
- Acquires IT-skills such as digital design, video-editing, etc. (If so, please describe it on your application form)
- Experienced in the Model United Nations.
➢ Period of Participation : October 2021 ~ February 2022
➢ Number of Committee members : 8 people
3. How to apply for the Organizing Committee
: Please submit the application form to ➢ Model UNSF Organizing Committee Application Form (or )
Application timeline
➢ Application Due: September 30th, 2021 (11:59PM)
➢ Dates of Interview: October 3rd - October 5th
(A Zoom link will be sent 2 days prior to the interview and each interview will take about 10~20 minutes.)
➢ Announcement of Results: October 10th, 2021
(We will be informing each applicant through email.)
Contact Model UNSF
If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact or +82-2-6497-5035 (5770)
*Do not send any application documents to the contact information above or to PSCORE. Only documents submitted through Google Form will be evaluated.
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