- 기업형태
- 비영리단체/협회/재단
- 참여대상
- 대학생
- 접수기간
- 시작일2022.04.06마감일2022.05.04
- 활동기간
- 22.5.5 ~ 22.6.30
- 모집인원
- 0명
- 활동지역
지역 제한없음
- 우대역량
- 외국어
- 홈페이지
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- 활동혜택
- 행사 참여
- 관심분야
- 활동분야
- 추가혜택
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<International Youth Center Culture Box Exchange Program Notice>
🤝 The International Youth Center is an international NGO for the sharing, exchange, and human rights of international youth, and operates major projects of the International Youth Center with the participation of international students and college students from all over the country.
🤝 The Culture Box Exchange Project hosted by the Soongsil Branch of the International Youth Center is a program for alienated international students to experience Korean culture.
🤝 Culture Box Exchange Project It is a program to help and experience the culture of Korean university students and international students by exchanging cultural items in a culture box to help them understand each other's countries. We are recruiting international students from various nationalities to participate in the Culture Box program. Please show a lot of interest and participation.
✔ Recruitment target: International students from Soongsil University staying abroad
✔ Recruitment period: April 6th (Wed) to May 4th (Wed)
✔ Announcement of successful applicants: May 5th (Thu)
✔ Orientation: May 6 (Fri) - Non-face-to-face
✔ How to participate: Submit Google Form
✔ Participant support benefits: Benefits of activities as a member of Soongsil University Branch of the International Youth Center
International Youth Center Homepage: https://intcenter.org/
International Youth Center Instagram: @usisrc
Blog of the International Youth Center: https://blog.naver.com/usisrc
International Youth Center Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intcenterfu
International Youth Center Universe Cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/uneedsbus
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