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Risk Management



Risk Management




[TRIDGE] Risk Management


이런 역할을 수행합니다:

- Establish and implement an overall risk management process for Fulfillment business.

- Conduct risk assessments, which involves analyzing risks as well as identifying, describing, and estimating the risks affecting the business.

- Evaluate risk, which involves comparing estimated risks with criteria established by the organization such as costs, legal requirements, and environmental factors, and evaluate previous handling of risks

- Establish and quantify the organization’s 'risk appetite' such as the level of risk they are prepared to accept

- Report risk in an appropriate way for different audiences, for example, to the management so they understand the most significant risks, to Fulfillment team leads to ensure they are aware of risks relevant to their parts of the business and to Deal managers to understand their accountability for individual risks

- Carry out processes such as purchasing export insurance for business regions.

- Provide support and guidance to solve any crisis from the previous closed deals by setting up the action plans to minimize the risk

- Provide support, education, and training to Deal managers to build risk awareness within fulfillment teams

- Identify and manage risks and develop objectives and policies that will establish the framework, tools, and procedures to achieve successful risk identification and management within best practice standards

- Oversee and monitor the operational risk management activities of Fulfillment teams

- Engage and develop effective working relationships to support cooperative responses to risk management matters and issues







지원 자격




이런 역할을 수행합니다:

- Establish and implement an overall risk management process for Fulfillment business.

- Conduct risk assessments, which involves analyzing risks as well as identifying, describing, and estimating the risks affecting the business.

- Evaluate risk, which involves comparing estimated risks with criteria established by the organization such as costs, legal requirements, and environmental factors, and evaluate previous handling of risks

- Establish and quantify the organization’s 'risk appetite' such as the level of risk they are prepared to accept

- Report risk in an appropriate way for different audiences, for example, to the management so they understand the most significant risks, to Fulfillment team leads to ensure they are aware of risks relevant to their parts of the business and to Deal managers to understand their accountability for individual risks

- Carry out processes such as purchasing export insurance for business regions.

- Provide support and guidance to solve any crisis from the previous closed deals by setting up the action plans to minimize the risk

- Provide support, education, and training to Deal managers to build risk awareness within fulfillment teams

- Identify and manage risks and develop objectives and policies that will establish the framework, tools, and procedures to achieve successful risk identification and management within best practice standards

- Oversee and monitor the operational risk management activities of Fulfillment teams

- Engage and develop effective working relationships to support cooperative responses to risk management matters and issues


이런 분이면 더 좋습니다:

- 트릿지 사업과 비즈니스에 대한 관심 및 이해도를 가지신 분

- Food & Agricultural, Trading, IT service 산업 프로젝트/업무 경험을 가지신 분



- 이력서

- 경력기술서 등 본인 역량을 어필할 수 있는 추가 자료(선택)

* 모든 서류는 PDF로 제출 바랍니다.

* 지원서 내용이 사실과 다를 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

- 채용형태: 정규직(수습기간 3개월)

- 근무시간: 월 – 금, 09:00 – 19:00

- 근무위치: 서울특별시 서초구 방배로 226 넥센강남타워 4-6층


04월 08일 15:00 ~ 05월 03일 23:59



국문, 영문

추가 정보


트릿지는 최적의 업무 환경을 제공하고자 노력합니다:

- 임직원의 건강을 책임져줄 매년 80만원 상당의 종합 건강검진 지원

- 트릿지 굿즈로 가득한 웰컴키트 지급

- 자유로운 소통, 협업, 휴식이 가능한 넓은 사내 라운지 보유

- 지친 머리를 식혀줄 옥상정원 및 농구장 보유

- 트렌디한 해외 식품으로 가득한 유픽 40% 할인 쿠폰 제공

- 제휴 피트니스 센터 30% 할인

- 생일 축하금, 경조휴가, 명절 선물 지급

- 인재 추천제도 운영(100만원 지급)


트릿지는 빠르게 성장하고 있습니다:

- Data-driven intelligence: +11.6B Product 데이터 포인트, +0.6 Billion 이상의 가격 데이터 포인트와 +11.5 Billion의 무역 데이터 접점 관리

- Global expansion: 전세계 60개 국가에서 근무 중인 550명 규모의 팀을 연내 1,000명으로 확장 계획

- Trusted online reputation: Google SEO 최적화로 인한 다국적 기업, 컨설팅, 대학 등 100만 이상의 Global Top tier Business Traffic 유입

- Cultural Diversity: 다양한 국적의 사람들과 일하며 빠른 속도로 변화하는 수평적인 조직 문화 지향

- Trade Digitalization: B2B 글로벌 무역시장의 디지털화 선도


Risk Management

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