- 기업형태
- 외국계기업
- 접수기간
- 시작일2024.11.29마감일2024.12.09
- 채용형태
- 체험형 인턴
- 모집직무
- 경영/사무, IT/인터넷, 연구개발/설계, 생산/제조, 무역/유통
- 근무지역
- 세종특별자치시 , 경기 성남시 분당구
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접수 기간 2024-11-29 ~ 2024-12-09
모집 부문 | 상세내용 |
프로젝트 매니지먼트 (0명) | 담당업무 Planning sample building schedule Check material stock for proto sample building Report actual production status in plant Check material readiness status for sample delivery 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Business or Engineering related major is a plus |
사업개발 (0명) | 담당업무 Sales forecast according to changes in external environment Support design change (4PEP initiation/Inhouse distribution in specification) Creation of sales view, sales planning, overall data management. 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Business or Engineering related major is a plus |
Software Engineer (0명) | 담당업무 Support SW test and sample test Support SW development : Receiving customer requirement, reprogramming Establish SW test environment Automation Scripting support 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Software, Computer, Electronics, Mechanical, etc) |
Assistant Engineer for Head-up Display (0명) | 담당업무 Support for Measurement, Test of Head-up Display Support for Sample handling Quality issue support 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Software, Computer, Electronics, Mechanical, etc) |
R&D Technical Supporter (0명) | 담당업무 R&D Tool management support Overall sample build support Engineering change support Participation in test report sample Data management : SAP data, Sample DB tool management 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Software, Computer, Electronics, Mechanical, etc) |
Production Planner (생산관리) (0명) | 담당업무 Clean up backlog data & create SAP routing Classify and analyze the scrap cost & shop floor issues Tracking the list of action items for productivities Daily MES data monitoring and clean-up 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Software, etc) |
Industrial Engineer (생산기술) (0명) | 담당업무 Support IE related task for existing production line monitoring Support industrialization for new project Support line rationalization and process construction Sample build-up & deep inspection Cyber security activity and document management 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, Software, etc) |
Supply Quality (0명) | 담당업무 Support for SQM component qualification SQM tool (Supplyon/SAP) management Defect handling involved in problem solving acticities Prepare customer product quality audit 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Mechatronics, Electronics, Industrial Engneering) |
Quality test lab (0명) | 담당업무 Make the documentation of quality management Prepare customer product quality audit Test pilot product and report product test Support DV/PV/RV test 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Engineering related major is a plus (Mechatronics, Electronics, Industrial Engneering) |
Supply Chain Manager (0명) | 담당업무 Support order management and customer logistics process Support customer delivery plans Support direct ICO stock transfer 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Trade, Logistics, Industrial Engineering or related major is a plus |
General Affairs Manager (0명) | 담당업무 Support monthly expense process Support maintain office supplies and equipment Administrative support for benefit management 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Business, Finance, Accounting or Engineering related major is a plus |
Financial Controller (0명) | 담당업무 Financial report management Support controlling overall process (Cost tracking, cost center mgmt.) SAP workflow, costing data management Price maintenance, Invetory reports 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Business, Finance, Accounting or Engineering related major is a plus |
Purchasing agent (0명) | 담당업무 Create purchase orders & Maintain vendor information Track & support non-production materials purchasing activity Negotiation for terms and conditions of purchasing items to achieve best condition with non-production materials vendors. Implementing special purchasing project and presenting for him/her experience to purchasing team during internship period. 채용형태 - 인턴 우대조건 Business, Finance, Accounting or Engineering related major is a plus |
회사 내규에 따름
세종특별자치시 부강면 금호선말길 74-7 Plant
경기 성남시 분당구 황새울로312번길 26 KT&G 분당타워
Step 1
Step 2
면접 전형
Step 2
2024-11-29 ~ 2024-12-09
홈페이지 지원
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